Thursday, November 18, 2010

I'm Already Gone...

This is my first official blog on Blogger.

If you followed my link here from Facebook or Myspace, welcome.

For everyone else, Hello! I'll introduce myself more in the next blog, but for now I have some goodbyes to finish up.

As I stated in the title, I'm already gone. I left Myspace. What a fuckin' disaster that place has become. I did enjoy it for several years. I made some friends, some enemies, and some frienemies. Just like life. But, also like life, sometimes you have to move on. The trick is knowing when it's the right time and then doing it. Don't hang around forever thinking things will change. Sometimes you have to be the one to change things for yourself.

I read this article today and finally the light went off in my head *Ding*

I see what's happening. The Myspace I've used for years isn't dying or changing, it's already dead. No longer a social network, Myspace is gearing up to be a "social entertainment" site, with plans to connect to Facebook, complete with a Myspace application on Facebook.

You can check out the article for yourself:

Well, it's official to me. Myspace is over and done. Or, I'm done and over Myspace

Take your pick.

That leads me here...

I'm also on Facebook now, for any of you who haven't found me yet...

<---- The link is over here

For those of you who are familiar with me, I've written in a few areas. I write political blogs, sarcastic blogs, drama blogs, and many other random bs blogs. It's not that I'm mult-talented like that, I just have a short attention span and tend to wander all over cyberspace.

I'll try to work on a little focus now that I'm on a more 'prestigious' site than Myspace. Of course, I define 'prestigious' by really low standards, especially after being on Myspace, but I 've already found some great writers on Blogger and hope I can aspire to do better. 


Well, it's a goal. We should all have goals....even if they are a bit ridiculous.

I also found, thanks to a few blogs posted on Myspace about it. I would link you to my profile there, but the site is down for maintenance at the moment. *sigh*  When it's back up, I'll post a link or search for me as Jim naa.

It's amazing that I'm not even slightly concerned about their "site issues" right now,  but after being on Myspace I've become accustom to things not working. Overall, it seems like a really cool site. It's pretty much Myspace 1.0 to a tee. I think they have a whole new series of users piling in the sign up screen, looking for refuge from Myspace, which might explain the serious bandwith issues they are having. They have no idea what just dropped on their lap.

Well, I don't have much else to share. I just wanted to say my goodbyes to Myspace and let everyone know where to find me. It was a great site and thoroughly enjoyed it. All the happiness, all the headaches. Now it's time to move on and see where I go from here.I know this much. I won't miss that shithole. Not too much. Well, maybe none at all after awhile.


  1. Hopefully things get better at MS... I'll miss seeing you there!

  2. I hope they do, Marian. It's good to see you here!

  3. Hi Jim,
    I will be reading your blogs here too.
    I don't follow many others out of MySpace but I like your writing style.


  4. Hey Jim. I'm here too, but the jury is still out on MS. I'm probably over it too. I'm currently on vacay from myspace for mental health reasons...LOL

    Good to see you here. I did sign up on sitemodel, but haven't been able to get in since then. I'm hoping they are able to get it up and running soon. I went to and it's okay, but the ppl there are really way nicer than I am. hee hee

    I'm glad I popped into MS for a minute tonight to see your blog. Welcome to Blogspot. I have been here (largely inactive) since 2008. I've stepped it up a bit. This will probably be my new blog place too.
