Monday, August 23, 2010

KJ Trying To Be Funny, On The Slick Side

 Originally posted on Myspace: August 23, 2010

I'm gonna make this quick & simple. I'm pissed. So pissed I'm gonna use red font and type it in bold!

I heard that KJ wrote a blog yesterday and was making fun of Showstopper, on the slick side. She allowed people to post comments that were offensive to Loretta Ebony Showstopper in her blog. What has this place devolved to?

KJ is trying to come off like some kind of comedian, writing shit about people and acting like it's just for fun. Yeah, right. Keep in my mind, I didn't even read the blog and I definitely didn't kudo or comment on the blog, but I heard all about it. Through the Myspace grapevine.

This kind of stuff has to stop. People need to quit clowning around and having fun on Myspace because this is serious business! <--I'm so mad I had to spell it out correctly.

So, this is how it's gonna go down. From here on out I demand, DEMAND that people not allow people to post comments in any blog that offends anyone. No one has the right to freedom of speech on your blog. It's up to you as the blogger to make sure that you are keeping your commenters in line.

Make sure you set your blog comments to approval only. Disable your html and block anyone who disagrees with you or doesn't like someone that you might be talking about. Hell, even if you aren't talking about them, you should block anyone who dislikes anybody because they might come to your blog and talk shit about that person.

We as a community can't tolerate this kind of b.s. KJ has shown that bloggers can't be trusted to rule their blogs with a fascist, iron fist and keep commenters in check. She's ruined Myspace for everyone by allowing people to talk freely in her blog. Obviously she supports everything that everybody posts because she allowed them to post it.

Make sure you go let KJ know how you feel about her blog mismanagement:

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna ride off and go write blog #101 about Miss Showstopper.

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