I've often wanted to blog about religion. Much like politics, it's a dangerous category that really riles people up. What for? Who knows.
After a status conversation and e-tea with Mrs Clayton
and Don
, I figured I should check out the R&P section again, to see what silliness people are arguing about now.
As usual, there is Human Evolution at the top of the category, same as the ALL CATEGORIES section, gloating from the #1 spot he/she/it has held pretty damn consistently for the last 2 or 3 years, making a mockery of the Myspace ranking system. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the blog the first time I read it, TWO YEARS AGO. Now, it's lame. It doesn't really prove there isn't a God, but does prove that auto-refreshing is real, and it works!
In the number 2 spot, I found this blog: WHY ATHEISM IS WRONG by Tom.
I'm not sure I've seen him blog on this topic, so I thought I'd check it out. It seemed more civil than most of the Myspace God is Real/God is Fake blogs you see. Perhaps filled with a bit too much of the "Atheists can't prove their point and they're close-minded, so shut up and go away" and "Christians can't prove their point and they're close-minded, so shut up and go away" kind of mindless rhetoric, but hey, what's new?
made a good point in that status earlier. It does sound like a Pee-Wee Herman style "I know you are but what am I" argument going back and forth until someone attaches "Infintiy!" onto the end of their argument, thereby closing any further debate and declaring victory. *Yawn*. There can be no 'victory' when it comes to this topic.
I'm an Atheist. I don't believe in God. What facts do I have to back me up? None. It's not a fact, it's a belief. Too many of you people debating this subject confuse those two concepts. I don't, can't, and shouldn't have to prove there isn't a God, just like anyone who believes in God doesn't, can't, and shouldn't have to prove there is one. It's just a belief that I've chosen, facts have nothing to do with anything. Following me so far?
In fact, I'll go a step further. I'm not even sure why we're debating this subject anymore. Do we even need God? Again, who knows. Is there ever gonna be a winner in this debate? Hmmmm. If you are reading this then you are alive and you can't answer the question. If you're reading this and you're dead, what's up with that?
The truth is, even if there is a God, no one has seen him/her/it/them in..............well, never. We do what we do as humans, on this planet, and we do it on our own. All the technology we have, the cures we've found, the good things we do, the bad things we do, WE DO. No outside "influence" appears to be coming from anywhere else. That's not to say there isn't any outside influence, just that it appears there is none. That is an observation, also not to be confused with a fact.
Where am I going with all of this? I bet you're wondering and to tell the truth, I'm not really sure. I do have a good idea, tho. Proving that God does/doesn't exist is like trying to prove that Bigfoot exists. Some believe he's real, some believe he's a hoax, others couldn't care less either way since "beliefs" don't pay the bills. (I'm in that 3rd category). Anyway, debate all you want but you can't prove that Bigfoot doesn't exist. I mean, HELLO?? Use some logic. You can't prove that something doesn't exist. There's always that element of the "unknown" out there. You can never conclusively state that anything "doesn't exist". Just because it's beyond the grasp of your understanding or your physical realm, doesn't mean it isn't there.
Now, on the flip side, there's only one way to prove Bigfoot IS real. We need a damn body! Go out, find
Oh, but that's so close-minded Jim!
Yeah, it is. So? I'm open-minded in matters that are up for debate, where a general consensus can be obtained. You know, serious issues that can actually be solved?
When it comes to believing, or not believing in God, everyone has made up their mind. Only Agnostics would try to ride that fence. Both of you, theists and Atheists, listen closely.
Seriously, people, no one is changing anyone elses mind. It doesn't happen like that. If it does a person good to believe in a God or other higher power, and it TRULY helps them to be a better person, more power to them. Same with Atheists. If not believing in God makes you a TRULY happy person, more power to you. Either way, the world keeps spinning and we have serious issues we can address, or we can keep beating our heads against the wall, trying in vain to convince people that "We" are the only ones in the history of mankind who have cracked the mystery of God's existence/non-existence.
If that's the battle you want to have, then my only advice is stock up on Aspirin. It's man-made and you will need lots of it.
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