Tuesday, July 27, 2010

More Shocking Confessions!

Originally posted on Myspace: July 27, 2010

Well, it's no longer fun to just fight and call people names in a blog. You have to post people's personal info, get their blogs/profile deleted, delete their btr archives using their info that they gave to you, and now, the latest thing is to just nark on that person and stand by with an innocent face and act like you weren't pushing your own agenda and aren't trying to turn people against anyone.

You people are disgusting, with your complete lack of morality and common decency that is the norm around Myspace. On that note, let me go ahead and confess to some more shit because if you're gonna rat people out, it's better to beat them to the punch. Don't wait for a Myspace blog to turn ugly before you swoop in act like they started it all!

Here are some things you people may not have known, but I'm gonna let you in on:

World.B.Free is really a white guy from Poland.

hulia NAA
isn't even a person. She's a secret, government-run profile that mediates social networks. Actually, all her responses are generated by a supercomputer, THE HULIA 2000. That's where they got her name from.

KellyJo Phone sex operator? Hardly. She works the drive-thru at Burger King. Yes, it can get hot and heavy late at night over the intercom, but that hardly qualifies as a separate job as a phone sex operator.

Mrs Clayton
is a 35 year old time traveler from the 1950's, here on a research project about the future. I'll save you some time, Mrs. C, the future is so bright that you gotta wear shades, but it still sucks.

Stone Crazy and Carl are both white. (Damn, are there any black people here?)

Michael, the Rochester Guy!

is a rich, closeted Liberal, who suffers from Liberal Guilt, so he plays a Conservative on Myspace.

Sabrina Phillips isn't a person at all. She's a an auto-refreshing test program, run by Myspace to determine the fairness of the rankings in Myspace Category.

Robert writes some of the best blogs on Myspace. Wait, that's not so much a secret if you've read him, it's just that no one ever sees him. Seriously, read his blogs some time.

Human Evolution is actually the Myspace profile for Kirk Cameron. You bitches thought it was about evolution, huh? It's about keeping track of all the Myspace Atheists, so they can be properly "witnessed" to by Daddy or by this clown, who goes by the name
is actually gay and actually does work as a phone sex operator. What? That wasn't a secret? Oh, my bad.

★ ruby_slippers ★ ( The One)
is actually AXLE RAGE, who is actually Dirty Sally, who is actually The Unsinkable Bad Lisa, who is actually MnL, who is actually Terry Nicholls: The Mayor of Crunkville. Did you follow all that? Don't worry, the devil's in the details anyhow.

Uhhhhhhhh, well I can't think of any of her secrets. She's like an open book. Seriously, woman, close that book sometime. A few secrets never hurt anyone.

Myspace Reunion is Bad Lisa's secret profile she wrote from "prison".

Shit, did I miss anybody? If I did, rest assured I'll be telling all your business before you can tell mine. Just give me a heads up, ok?

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